About the Genie

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Suzie is a former Equity Trader, full-time Advertising and Marketing student and Mother of two teenage wonders. In her spare time she wishes for more spare time and will almost always be seen wearing Chuck Taylor Converse shoes.

Thursday 26 May 2016

Long Time Running

So the big news this week, for us Canucks anyway, is the announcement that our beloved Gord Downie, frontman for epic Canadian band The Tragically Hip, has been diagnosed with terminal cancer. 
Although I am saddened by the news, I have resisted commenting or reacting to the hundreds of daily posts on the subject because I just simply didn’t feel the need, or see the benefit.  Gord has cancer, it sucks, period.

That was until yesterday when I had my finger on the trigger to respond to a comment on a facebook post regarding a suggestion that Gord, &/or the band, should receive the Order of Canada.  I resisted the urge because I am not about getting into a redundant argument with strangers.  But I own this blog where I can rant unfettered, so here goes…

First, let me be clear: I understand the argument; we can’t just give out awards and honours willy-nilly because someone is famous (nobody agrees with that more than me), or because they are sick or dying.  The Order of Canada is a big deal, reserved for special contributors to Canadian culture, who have helped shape our identity and who represent us to the rest of the world as a unique nation, and who make us proud.
So here’s the thing:  for as long as I can remember, people have been asking the question, “What is Canadian culture exactly?”.  Well it took the news of the possibility of the end of The Tragically Hip to realize that Gord and the boys have been telling us what it is for 3 decades.
Just as Tom Thomson (whom the band famously sang about), painted the iconic images that touch our hearts, Mr Downie has been serenading us with hauntingly beautiful, and sometimes tragic, stories about this country and its history.   These recordings are works of art, no less so than a stunning visual painting.

For me Gord Downie has always been exactly the perfect Canadian… talented, humble, unique, and proud.  Which is why he probably doesn’t give a shit about honours & awards anyway.

Post Script:
I have rare videos of the band's performance on SNL in 1995 which give me tear-inducing "Canada Goose-bumps", every time I watch; but the stupid interweb police shut me down if I try to post them.  Sorry guys, I tried. 

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