About the Genie

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Suzie is a former Equity Trader, full-time Advertising and Marketing student and Mother of two teenage wonders. In her spare time she wishes for more spare time and will almost always be seen wearing Chuck Taylor Converse shoes.

Friday 19 October 2018

The Depths of Despair

Hello friend(s)

It’s the genie here, hoping I find you well and full of bright-eyed optimism.  If so, can you lend me some?

Yes, it is Debbie Downer time, or perhaps I should say Suzie Sour hour.  Oooh, that reminds me, I got a new jacket:

Awesome riiiight??

Anyway, back to me wallowing.

If you may have noticed from my previous posts, I am not the most mature woman on the planet, to say the least.  

Yes, of course I am proud of that.  Duh!  Not the issue.  

Get this!  Someone actually said the words to me “Don’t try to be a kid, act your age.”  And worst of all, it was someone who I greatly respect and admire. 

So yeah, somebody… anybody… if you can hear me, be a pal and pull the stake from my withering heart.  

I mean, I’m sure this person meant it in the best possible way, like “Suzie, use your vast life experience to do great things”, which I would have been fine with.

But what I heard was: “Suzie, lose the sneakers because you look ridiculous”. 

So now I wallow.

And because wallowing in self-pity is always best accomplished on a moor, my wish is to find a vast windswept moor from whence I can look out into the abyss and stew until I ultimately give myself a mental slap, realizing that I’m being ridiculous and of course my sneakers are fabulous. 

Anybody know of any good moors in the GTA?  

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