About the Genie

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Suzie is a former Equity Trader, full-time Advertising and Marketing student and Mother of two teenage wonders. In her spare time she wishes for more spare time and will almost always be seen wearing Chuck Taylor Converse shoes.

Monday 30 March 2020

The Chronicles of A-Genie-in-Chucks-in-Isolation

Chapter One of Potentially Many, but also…

Can I just start off by saying - holy shit it's been a while since my last post. How did that happen?

I mean there's a LOT to tell. Not that I was ever going to share the truly juicy stuff, but ya know.

Before I continue though - a sidebar if you will...

It was pointed-out to me recently that I greatly resemble this dog:

Yeah, I'm 100% taking it as a compliment.

Anyhoo, on to the matter at hand...
During these strange times, I find myself asking some truly deep, mind-bending questions – like:

“What would I actually do if they closed the LCBO?”
“Are clothes even important anymore? - what is my life!”


“I wonder what Bill Murray is wearing under quarantine?”

As I ponder, I find that a big part of the problem with this whole isolation thingy is finding inspiration to do literally anything. And I don’t mean the regular things like working out, or organizing your junk drawer (okay, that’s all of my drawers) – but I mean things like eating, sleeping, or being entertained.  Everything has become an internal debate in which one side is always a weak-ass bitch. 

For instance:
“I should go to bed at some point, but also I could just sit here for five more hours watching this mediocre show

“It’s late, I should switch from wine to water, but also the wine bottle is right beside me

“I could change this mediocre show and find something better to watch, but also….”

You get the point.

So, you can just imagine the mental push it took to get here. “Hey Suzie, you could write something in your blog, but also…”

You feel me?

Anyway, back to Bill. It is not lost on me that there is a relevant Groundhog Day connection to this situation, but I’d be lying if I admitted to being that calculated or clever. I actually am just obsessed with the man and have genuinely wondered what he is doing in the privacy of his isolated Murray kingdom.

I could potentially google “What is Bill Murray up to these days”, but also

So, as the ever-present internal debate careens toward its inevitable destination, I’ll take this opportunity to pat myself on the back for making it this far into a blog post.

I will also bank this effort as being worthy of at least seven solid hours of doing absolutely nothing productive – yay me.

Wishing you all stay safe,
The Genie in Chucks
P.S. Stay tuned for The Chronicles of A-Genie-In-Chucks-In-Isolation Chapter Two - The Genie of Course Gets Fly Quarantine Footwear", but also...

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