About the Genie

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Suzie is a former Equity Trader, full-time Advertising and Marketing student and Mother of two teenage wonders. In her spare time she wishes for more spare time and will almost always be seen wearing Chuck Taylor Converse shoes.

Wednesday 9 January 2019



So I've been busy AF, but thought I'd dole out another useless update just for fun.

Actually this post is really just a distraction from the real work I should be doing because otherwise my brain would self destruct like an Inspector Gadget intelligence document.

(Look at me - I said AF and Inspector Gadget in the same blog - Go Suzie Go!)

Anyhoo, let’s talk Netflix:

What I’m currently watching:
The Bodyguard - It’s “Meh” but worth it for obvious reasons.

Mr. D - if you’re not watching this you’re stupid “No dance! Final word!” 

What I finished watching: 
You - YOU!!! I hate you people. You're all a bunch of jerks.

What I intend to watch: 
High-brow intelligent shows - but let’s face it, I’m still mourning the end of Blue Mountain State, which btw (while I’m being all current and acronymy) is entirely offensive, ridiculously sexist, and categorically cringeworthy - I miss it so much already.

Well I guess that’s it for now. Have fun folks, cause really, what else is there?

Love always,
A Genie in Chucks - breaking out the low top boys in red n' black tomorrow cause I’m FLT (Fly Like That).

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