About the Genie

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Suzie is a former Equity Trader, full-time Advertising and Marketing student and Mother of two teenage wonders. In her spare time she wishes for more spare time and will almost always be seen wearing Chuck Taylor Converse shoes.

Tuesday 29 March 2016

Everything Is Better With Curds & Gravy

My two champions, fighting for gold
at the 2016 Canadian Nationals.
So I am here in beautiful Quebec City on a boxing expedition, and wishing I had paid better attention in French class.  As it turns out, the few phrases I remember learning are utterly useless, unless  I am looking for the library, the washroom, or have occasion to say “hello, my name is Suzanne” (which incidentally, is not very often).

Funny enough, I notice here that they do not require signs to be bilingual as we do in the rest of Canada; but that I suppose, is because Francophiles are just so over it, as in “non, merci… and don’t bother us again about it”.

You know what else is different about Quebec?  Get this… you can buy beer in the convenience store!  Not only that, but you can buy 10% beer in the convenience store.  You see! this is where they get “des balles” to tell us to stick our English labels where the sun don’t shine.

So here’s a 10% fortified cheers to Quebec, and one pertinent question …
” où est la salle de bain?”  

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